Sunday, July 25, 2010

Green Mountain Camp - Post 5

[Grace Ware Holbrook Journal Entry regarding Green Mountain Camp]

[January 3, 1918 - Boston, Mass continued]
     Dinner came at 12:30, and then a rest hour a burdensome ruling to many, especially if there were not letters to be written. However it was a relief all around; and at the first, when the morning exercises, girl scout drill (given by Sarah Bradley) milk duty swimming etc were new to all they were truly in need of rest for a change from the general excitements. The novelty of course wore off, and first aid classes in hot weather did not tend to contrast sufficiently the dulness [sic] of lecturing and quite hour! 
     Sometimes the rest hour was shortened or early enough to allow for an auto trip or walk when we carried suppers with us. Our first excursion proved a lesson in that it was lacking in excitement other than mosquitoes and midges galore. The whole picnic hardly occupied over an hour, for we went and returned from the short wood walk, eating our supper frugally all around.
     Our most enjoyable expeditions were by motor, & there was general excitement in the air to where we were going & what might happen. One of the most successful afternoon trips was to Brattleboro when all were given a treat by Miss Lesley to ice-cream, and afterward drove to Naulahka to see mother. The children went about the garden etc, and two or three of us played the piano. "Granny" recited the poem she made up about the camp & one about "Granny's teapot". It happened that she went about with Miss Lesley to look at everything and in remarking the regularity of the garden from the outdoor sleeping porch, stated: "It might have been laid out with a yard stick."
     We went on after this in spite of thunderstorms & auto troubles (in Mr. Moffitt's Ford) to the heights of the McVeagh Farm with Margaret Goodhue, added to our party, escorting us.
Green Mountain Camp Girls at Naulahka Terrace
[to be continued...]

© 2010, copyright William C. Haskell

1 comment:

  1. What a great blog! I've just moved and will have my internet at home up and running by Wednesday (I sure hope), so I can't wait to come back and read all of your posts. Interesting stuff...I'll let my fellow family genealogy buffs know about your blog, also.

    Best wishes!
    Kim Handy (a/k/a) kimmytsfamilytrees :)
