Saturday, August 14, 2010

Grace Ware Haskell Journal Entry - Post 7

[Grace Ware Holbrook Journal Entry - note: I have changed the title of this series of posts from Green Mountain Camp to Grace Ware Holbrook Journal Entry because, the entries are no longer just about the Green Mountain Camp]

February 4th. New York.
     After breaking up camp amidst very hot weather we all returned to our homes for a rest from the past two weeks' activities. At the end of the week, Elsa Coolidge came to stay for a few days - Cabot & Wistar spent the weekend in close company, & Wistar remained through the week.
     We visited with the Bradleys, motored to West Dover over the hills toward Wilmington & all underwent massage treatment.
     Wistar drove us in the Franklin to Squam Lake to visit the Coolidges. The car was loaded as usual after being out only a short time on the Putney Road snap went an iron brace under the back axle! We went on nevertheless & without other mishap reached the Lake in very good season. The Coolidge camp is most interesting - being very simple & even rough, but most comfortable & attractive. The family were cordial & always active - & one could not help but join into it all. It was a wonderful visit - one to be remembered always for its many associations.
     The trip home was all that could be wished for & the Bradleys & I had discussions on many subjects all the way.
     At the end of the August after long expectations - father arrived from Russia & remained a week before going on to other affairs. The trunks were filled with beautiful things - among them, rugs, 3 samovars, Swedish knives & silver, embroideries, etc.
     Mrs. Delano, Margaret Goodhue & Wai Tsu departed at this time, so as Cabot had already joined the Plattsburgh Training Camp, our household dwindled for a time.
     Wai Tsu returned however from the Chinese Conference at Providence, bringing Dr. Kwank to whom she announced her engagement! He appeared as a dignified young person with fine charming manners, & very agreeable & interested in everything. He is very slight - good looking - & aristocratic in his bearing.
     At this time it was decided to have a festival of Four Nations at Naulahka - the principal countries & many others being represented in costume - Russia, China, Mexico & Turkestan - American Indians, Serbia, Portugal, Japan, Greece, & Old Fashioned American Costumes.
     Miss Lesley remained with us after the c___ roast for the South Pond Camp girls - & taught a number of us dances to perform on the croquet lawn during an interval of the Fete. The girls who came to take part in the dances were the Eldredge twins, Sally Osborne, Polly Cabot & Joe Smith's daughter who joined the rest of us - the Bradleys, Alice Finlay & I.

© 2010, copyright William C. Haskell

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